Import Assay Data

Use the Geochem Import > Import Assays menu option (CHIMPLAB GX) to import a single lab assay batch to a database. The data must currently be contained in an ASCII tabular file, in a supported database, or the clipboard.

Import Assay Data dialog options

Data source

Specify the source of the data:

ASCII file – any tabular ASCII file, which includes Excel CSV format files. The ASCII file import wizard allows you to describe the data in the file.

Clipboard – use this if the data has been placed on the clipboard in an ASCII file format. This is intended to allow you to select the data from a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel and copy the data to the clipboard. This option will create a temporary ASCII file of the contents of the clipboard and use the ASCII file import wizard to let you describe the data.

Database – the data is contained in a common Windows database format, such as Microsoft Access, or dBase compatible files. A Wizard will allow you to select the data to be imported. 

Script Parameter: CHIMPLAB.SOURCE: (A: ASCII, D:Database, C:Clipboard)

Assay file to import

The name of the ASCII data file or the database that contains the assay data to be imported. The File Name is required for ASCII or Database imports.

Script Parameter: CHIMPLAB.FILE


The name of an import template that will be used to describe the data format. The import template can be modified using the import wizard. If the template does not exist, it will be created. If the template does exist, it will be used to establish the starting set-up of the import wizard.

If no import template is specified, the default template "_chassay.i3" (text) or "_chassay.i4" (database) is created and used. If a pre-existing copy of the default template is located before the import wizard is run, then it is deleted to be re-created from scratch, so that the existing settings in the file will not affect the settings in the import wizard. If you wish to re-use the default import template, it is recommended that it be renamed.


Lab ID

Select the Lab ID from the list. If the lab does not exist in the list, it will be added automatically. Use the "Lab IDs" button to manage the list by adding or deleting items. The list is stored in file "ch_lab_id.lst" in the GEOSOFT directory. The Lab ID will be placed in a channel of the database.

Script Parameter: CHIMPLAB.LAB_ID

Assay method

Select the assay technique from the list. If the technique does not exist in the list, it will be added automatically. Use the "Assays" button to manage the list by adding or deleting items. The method list is stored in file "ch_assay_method.lst" in the GEOSOFT directory. The selected method will be placed in the channel attributes.



Enter the sample weight if known. The weight will be placed in a channel of the database.

Script Parameter: CHIMPLAB.WEIGHT

Channel attribute file (.CSV)

If specified, the assay channel attributes are set automatically from the values contained in the CSV file. This file may be created from, or imported manually into an existing assays database using the CHGETATT and CHSETATT GXs (look in the Geochem Import|Assay Attributes menu).

Script Parameter: CHGETATT.FILE

Convert negatives?

If "No", negative values are imported as is, without reference to any detection limit currently set for a given assay channel. If "Yes", then if the detection limit is set for the channel, any value less than the detection limit (including those less than 0.0) is replaced with a value equal to one-half the detection limit.

Script Parameter: CHIMPLAB.CONVNEG (0:No, 1:Yes)

Application Notes

The assay batch name is assumed to be the same as the root file name. This import creates a mask channel and sets the values to "1". The name of the mask channel is taken first from the Geochemistry preferences, and if that value is not defined, then defaults to "ChemMask".