Merge Survey Data into Assays

Use the Geochem Import > Merge and Verify menu option (CHMERGE GX) to merge the information from a Survey database into an Assay database.

Merge Survey Data into Assays dialog options

Assay database

The name of a new assay database that contains a "Sample" channel plus a set of assayed chemicals.

Survey database

The name of a survey information database that contains a "Sample" channel plus survey information.

View merge report?

Any problems or inconsistencies that are discovered during the merge are reported in a text file named "chmerge.txt". Specify "Yes" to view the merge report after merging.

Application Notes

The "Sample" channel of the assay database is used to look-up all survey information from the Survey database.

Any mismatch between Sample numbers in either database will be reported in the merge report file.

All channels of the Survey database will be created in the Assay database, and all information will be copied to the Assay database. Normally, the Survey database is expected to contain the following channels, although it may contain any number of information channels that are relevant to the survey:

  • By default, the "D0" lines in the survey and assay databases are merged, because this is the name usually created with the regular geochemistry import tools. However, if there is no "D0" line present in either the survey or assay database, the currently displayed line is used.
  • Sample

    The sample number.


    Map X location of the sample.


    Map Y location of the sample.


    Blank - for normal samples
    "1" - the first duplicate of a duplicate pair
    "2" - the second duplicate of a duplicate pair
    or the name of a standard, such as "S_1", which will be used to extract the standards from the data.