Geochemistry Preferences

Use the Geochem Map > Preferences menu option (CHPREFERENCES GX) to customize the behaviour in the Geochemistry system.

Geochemistry Preferences dialog options

Default mask channel

This channel will appear as the default mask channel in any GX where the selection of the mask channel has not yet been made. If the "Force Default Mask Channel" parameter is set to "Yes", then the behaviour is stronger, and the Mask Channel setting will always be initialized to this value (the user may still select any item from the drop-down list). This value itself defaults to "ChemMask"

If "None" is selected, no mask channel is used wherever the mask channel is optional (such as when plotting symbols).

If "None" is selected, those GXs which require a mask channel will ignore the Default Mask Channel, even if the "Force Default Mask Channel" option is selected.

This parameter and the following parameter provide a means to quickly switch to an alternate mask channel, and have it automatically apply in all geochemistry GXs and user-created scripts.

Force default mask channel

Normally, each GX keeps its own record of the selected mask channel, so that the initial value displayed is always the one selected the previous time that specific GX was run. If this parameter is set to "Yes", the behaviour changes, and the Mask Channel setting will always be initialized to the 'Default mask channel' (you may still select any item from the drop-down list). The default mask channel must be defined, or this parameter will have no effect.

Box whisker range

The default range of the box whisker plot "box", displayed with the histogram plots can be selected here. The default range is 20-80.

Offset symbol marker size (mm)?

This is the size of the black circle marker symbol used to show the original location of the data when Offset Symbols are used.

Application Notes

Preferences are global variables and remain set for a given installation of Oasis montaj. The values are stored inside the geosettings file located in the user specific folder '%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Geosoft\Desktop Applications\ini. This means they remain the same for different data sets and Oasis montaj projects.