Plot Histogram

Use the Plot Histogram dialog (CHPRHIST GX) to print a histogram plot. Run the dialog from the Plot the Histogram button on the Histogram Analysis tool.

Plot Histogram dialog options


Histogram Title.

Script Parameter: CHPRHIST.TITLE

Histogram size (mm)

Box width (in mm).

Script Parameter: CHPRHIST.WIDTH

X Position

X location of bottom left corner of box.

Script Parameter: CHPRHIST.X

Y Position

Y location of bottom left corner of box.

Script Parameter: CHPRHIST.Y

Summary statistics

Print summary of statistics? "Yes" or "No" (default No).

Script Parameter: CHPRHIST.SUMM

Box-Whisker Plot

Draw a Box-Whisker plot? "Yes" or "No" (default No)


Probability Scaling for %

Re-scales the accumulated probability curve assuming a normal distribution of data (as if the data were plotted in terms of standard deviations from the mean). "Yes" or "No" (default No).


Application Notes

Click on the Print button image\ebx_-2026447963.jpg in the histogram analysis tool. Enter a histogram title, the histogram size, and X,Y position on the map relative to the bottom left-hand corner.

If you select Locate, you will be asked to locate the position of the bottom left corner of the histogram.

After pressing OK, the histogram will be displayed on the map.