Profile Plot

Use the Geochem Map > Line Plots > Profile menu option (CHPROF GX) to draw profiles of channel values for all selected lines in a database.

Profile Plot dialog options

Profile channel

Profile channel to select

Script Parameter: PROFILE.CHANNEL

Line colour

line colour

Script Parameter: PROFILE.COLOR

Line thickness (mm)

line thickness


Line style

line style number

Script Parameter: PROFILE.STYLE

Line pitch (mm)

line pitch

Script Parameter: PROFILE.PITCH

Profile scale (units/mm)

vertical scale in units/mm

Script Parameter: PROFILE.SCALE

Profile base

profile base level, blank for line minimum

Script Parameter: PROFILE.BASE

Maximum down-line gap

maximum down-line gap

Script Parameter: PROFILE.GAP

Join to line ends?

1 - join line ends 0 - do not join line ends

Script Parameter: PROFILE.JOIN

Application Notes

This GX is for use with geochemical data acquired along survey lines.