Save Statistics

Use the Geochem Analysis > Save Statistics option (CHPRSTAT GX) to print Assay channel statistics to a CSV file.

Output Assay Channel Statistics to a File dialog options

Mask channel

Select a mask channel from the drop-down list. If the use of the mask channel is enabled and set to this channel, only those data values whose corresponding mask channel values are not dummy values will be plotted or exported.Channels must have their CLASS attribute set to MASK to appear as selections in the drop-down list. If the mask channel does not exist, it will be created with its CLASS attribute set to MASK.

The default mask channel is set from the CHPREFERENCES GX (Geochem Import/Preferences...).

Script Parameter: CHPRSTAT.MASK

Statistics to save

"All ASSAY channels" – all channels that are members of the ASSAY class will be reported

"Displayed ASSAY channels" – only displayed channels that are members of the ASSAY class will be reported.

"Select ASSAY channels from list" -- select ASSAY class channels from a two-panel selection list.


Application Notes

The values are printed to a CSV (Comma-separated values) file, suitable for import into a spread-sheet program such as Microsoft ExcelÔ.

The following information is output for each channel:

  • Number of valid items

  • Number of items with values greater than 0

  • Number of non-valid (dummy) items

  • Minimum Value

  • Maximum Value

  • Range of Values (Max-Min)

  • Mean Value

  • Standard Deviation from the mean

  • Variance from the mean

  • Sum of values

  • Sum of the squares of values

  • Geometric Mean

  • Median Value

  • Modal Value

  • Standard Error

  • Skewness

  • Kurtosis