Plot Triplot Graph

Use the CHPRTRI GX to print a Triplot.

Plot Triplot Graph dialog options


Type the title for the Triplot

Triangle side length ( mm)

Length of each side of the Triplot triangle in (mm)

Symbol Size (mm)

The size of the plotted symbols in mm.

Plot to

Select one of "new map" or "current map".

Locate Plot (plot to current map only)

Bottom left X (mm)

X Location for bottom corner of the plot.

Bottom left Y (mm)

Y Location for bottom corner of the plot.


Interactively select the location of the bottom left corner by selecting a point on the current map

Application Notes

Click on the Print button image\ebx_141323220.jpg in the Triplot Analysis tool.

Enter a title, the width and the symbol size for the plot.

New map names are created in the following format:, or, if a template is specified using the GX parameters, the template name is used. If a map of that name already exists, it is overwritten.