Local Revision Details

Use the Project > Local Revision Details menu option to display information about the current revision of a Seequent Central project that you have as a local copy in your Oasis montaj project. To be able to use this option, you need to first either publish a revision to a Central project or open a project from Central.

Local Revision Details dialog


The Central server instance that hosts your project. Clicking on the hyperlink will open the Central server portal in your default browser.

Central server connections are set up via your Seequent ID. See Oasis montaj Integration with Seequent Central for more information on Seequent Central servers.


The name of the Central project containing your initial publishing and all the other subsequent published revisions. Clicking on the hyperlink will open your project in the Central server portal.

Coordinate system

The coordinate reference system (CS) of the Central project.

In Central, all application-specific file formats are converted to 'Seequent Objects' in a unified/common coordinate reference system that is defined when publishing the initial revision, so that the data can be easily shared for use by other applications.

Coordinate system units

The CS length units used by the Central project.


The name of the Central project branch containing your most recent published revision.

Revision date

The date when the Central revision was published.


The name of the Central workflow stage associated with the revision.

There is one set of stages that applies to all projects on a Central server. These project stages are managed in the Central Portal and are displayed in different colours so it is easy to see at a glance what revisions belong to each stage.


The name of the Seequent user who submitted the Central project revision.


Notes added by the user when publishing the revision.

Application Notes

The Local Revisions Details option provides you with the details of the Central revision you have locally. The hyperlinks for the Central server and project will open in your default browser; they are an easy way to discover what other revisions have been published to your Central project. If there are newer revisions that you would like to download and review, use the Update Project from Central option to update your current local Oasis montaj project or the Open Project from Central option to create a new Oasis montaj project of a different revision.

Viewing your Project in 

When you are connected to a Central server, you can quickly view the data that you uploaded to a project on that server and manage your Central projects and geoscience data.

Connect via Oasis montaj

Use the Data Services > Central Portal menu option to launch the Central portal associated with the server you are connected to. In the Projects list, find the project that hosts your uploaded data and click on it to open. Then, click on the Files tab: a list of the files and folders uploaded to the project will be displayed. Select a file to view its version history; click on a version to delete it or to download a local copy.

In the Project menu, use the Local Revision Details option to display information about your Seequent Central project and its most recent published revision and to launch the Central Portal and load your project. (You will need to sign in with your Seequent ID if not already signed in to Central.)

Sign in to the Central Portal

Alternatively, in your web browser, enter the URL for your Central Portal and sign in using your Seequent ID.

Central Portal should be accessed using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari.

Once you have signed in, the options available depend upon your assigned role:

  • If you do not have Admin rights, only two sidebar options will be available: Projects (showing only the projects you have permission to access) and Users.
  • If you are an Admin, you will have access to the Users, Integrations, Events, and Maintenance options alongside Projects, which will list all the projects on the Central server.
View Project Details

To view the details about a project, click on the project in the Projects list. An overview of the project is shown in the Overview tab along with a series of tabs that provide you with more information and control over the project:

  • The History tab: Central projects are organised into branches and revisions. The overall history of the revisions is shown in a chronological order (from the most recent down to the oldest). The 'Graph' represents the history of the project, going backward in time, with each node belonging to a branch and representing a revision. Revision notes, the project stage and publishing date information are displayed for each node.
  • The Events tab: the log displays the last 100 changes that have been made to the project.

To learn more about Central, expand the Sign in menu in the upper right-hand corner of your CENTRAL instance and click on the Need Help? button to launch the Help for the Central suite of products: use the Getting Started button to load the overview topic and help you get started with Central.