Dap Base Map

Use the DAPMAP GX to create a default base map for a specified latitude/longitude area. This GX first asks for the bounding latitude, longitude area, then asks for parameters to create and draw a base map:

Data Range to Map dialog options

Minimum Longitude,
Maximum Longitude

Specify the longitude range for the area of interest in degrees (negative in the Western hemisphere).

Minimum Latitude,
Maximum Latitude

Specify the latitude range for the area of interest in degrees (negative in the Southern hemisphere.

Create a New Map

Map name

The name of the new map.

Map template

Select a standard template to be used to define the map layout. The map layout includes the media size, map margins and basic map drawing style. The [Templates] button will enable you to modify existing templates and add your own new templates.

Map scale

The desired map scale. If left blank, a default scale will be chosen to fit the data range to the specified template. The [Scale] button will cause the default scale to be calculated displayed so that it can be modified to an appropriate scale if desired.


A title and sub-titles for your map. These will be drawn at the bottom centre of the map.

Coordinate system

A default coordinate system will be created to reasonably display your data. This is the text description of the coordinate system that is created.


Calculate and display a default scale that will fit the defined data range to the specified template.

Application Notes

A default map projection is created to display the requested area. Latitude, Longitude surrounds are drawn on the map by default.