Decimate Channel

Use the Database Tools > Channel Tools > Decimate menu option (DECIMATE GX) to decimate a channel by removing values.

Decimate dialog options

Channel to decimate

Name of channel to decimate

Script Parameter: DECIMATE.CHANNEL

Decimation factor (>1)

Decimation factor, must be > 1.

Script Parameter: DECIMATE.FACTOR

Application Notes

Decimation may be useful for removing redundant data from very highly sampled channels. Processing time is usually directly proportional to the data sampling density, so decimating data can effectively reduce processing time.

Once decimate has been applied to a channel, a red bar may appear in the channel header. This indicates that the data visually seen in this channel is not representative of what is now contained in the channel. All fiducial rows are needed for the remaining columns and as a result the data in the decimated column may appear unchanged. If however, the columns without red bars are placed in the buffer (removed from the on-screen database) then the true fiducials of the decimated column will appear.

If exporting a decimated dataset where you wish only the remaining data from decimation to be exported, then all channels in the export must be decimated. If this procedure is observed then prior to exporting, the GDB will have missing fiducials in the line column and there will no longer be red bars on any of the channel headers.