
Use the Database Tools > Filters > Differences menu option (DIFF GX) to calculate differences between values in a channel.

The option is also available in the Moving Platform Gravity > 1D Filters menu.

Differences dialog options

Channel to difference

Select the input channel.

Script Parameter: DIFF.IN

Output difference channel

Select the output channel.

Script Parameter: DIFF.OUT

Number of differences (>=1)

Specify the number of differences.

Script Parameter: DIFF.NUMBER

Normalize differences?

Specify if you want to normalize the differences. (Default is "No".) Output values are divided by two raised to the number of differences. For example, for the 4th difference, the values are divided by 16.

Script Parameters: DIFF.NORM

Application Notes

The common fourth difference can be calculated by specifying 4 differences. Fourth differences are useful for identifying noise in the data.

Differences with a dummy, result in a dummy.

Even numbers of differences produce properly located results. Odd numbers of differences will locate the result 1/2 element below the actual location.

The difference filter is calculated by the subtraction of the successive data values of the channel:

Higher differences are formed by successive operations, for example: