Digitize Points from a Grid

Oasis montaj provides the ability to interrogate a grid on a point-by-point basis and copy data and position values to an ASCII file. You can use this functionality, for instance, to create new profile lines in a database. You can do this by importing the XYZ file to a new line or exporting the extracted grid profile to a 3rd party application.

Use the Map Tools > CAD Tools > Digitise to XYZ File menu option (DIGIT GX) to digitize points from a grid and place them in an ASCII XYZ file.

Digitise to XYZ File dialog options

Output file

Specify an output file name.

Script Parameter: DIGIT.OUT

Append or Overwrite

Select whether to overwrite (replace all data in the file) or append to (add information to the end of file) any existing information in the output file.

Script Parameter: DIGIT.APPEND overwrite file = 0; append to output = 1

Grid name

Specify the grid name. Using the browse button, locate the grid name to interactively digitize and retrieve the X, Y, and Z values.

You can leave this parameter blank, and only the X and Y values will be written to the XYZ file.

Script Parameter: DIGIT.GRID

Significant digits

Specify the number of significant digits in the output data.

Script Parameter: DIGIT.DIGITS

Data prefix

Specify a data prefix.

Script Parameter: DIGIT.PREFIX


Specify a delimiter character (default is a space).

Script Parameter: DIGIT.DELIM

Application Notes

After you click the OK button, your cursor will change to a cross-hair: 

  1. Select a point by clicking the left mouse button. Move the cursor to the next point and click the left mouse button again. The system displays a dashed line between the points.
  2. Repeat the step above until all points are selected.
  3. Click the right mouse button and select Done from the popup menu.
  4. The system creates an *.XYZ file with your digitized points and values.

If no grid is specified, only the X, Y coordinates will be placed in the output file. If a grid is specified, X, Y, and Z values will be placed in the output file.