Export to Esri File Geodatabase

Use the Database > Export > Esri File Geodatabase menu option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.Database.ExportToGeodatabase;Run) *) to export survey data from a Geosoft database to an Esri File Geodatabase, as point features or line features.

Export to Esri File Geodatabase dialog options

Output geodatabase name

The name of the output File Geodatabase (*.gdb assumed).


Output feature class name

The name of the output feature class that will be written to the File Geodatabase. Enter a name that indicates what data the feature class stores. The feature class name must be unique in the File Geodatabase. Additional rules:

-Names must begin with a letter, not a number or special character.

-Names cannot contain spaces. For two part names, use an underscore instead.

-Name should not contain reserved words, such as select or add. Consult your DBMS documentation for additional reserved words.

-The following prefixes are not supported: gdb_, sde_, delta_.


Feature type

Set the feature type to Point features or Line features.


Point features: P, Line features: L

Channels to save

This parameter is only available if Feature type is set to Point features. Select if you wish to export only the Displayed channels or All database channels.


Displayed channel: D, All database channels: A

Lines/Groups to save


Geosoft databases are organized into lines or groups. Select if you want to export the Displayed line, Selected lines or All lines.


Displayed line: D, Selected lines: S, All lines: A

Save lines to


If Feature type is set to Point features, select if you want to save the lines to a Single feature class or Individual feature classes. If more than one line is exported and Single feature is selected, the lines from the Geosoft database will be written to the output feature class. If more than one line is exported and Individual feature classes is selected, the lines from the Geosoft database will be written to individual feature classes called <FeatureName>_L0, <FeatureName>_L1, <FeatureName>_L2, etc...

The only option for Line features is Single feature class.


Single feature class: S, Individual feature classes: I

Application Notes

  • Because the Geosoft database and the Esri File Geodatabase both use *.gdb as a file extension, you cannot create an output File Geodatabase with the same name as the current database in the same folder.
  • The X, Y coordinates must be set in the Geosoft database to export it to a File Geodatabase.
  • The coordinate system of the Geosoft database is written to the output feature class.
  • If the Z coordinate is set in the Geosoft database, points or lines with Z coordinates are saved to the feature class.
  • Any X, Y or Z coordinates that are dummy (*) will not be exported to the feature class.
  • Data channels that contain dummies will be exported as <Null> to the feature class.