Convert to Project

Use the DH-Data > Convert to Project menu option (DHCONVERT GX) to convert an old-style drillhole database into a new drillhole project.

Convert old Wholeplot Database to New Multi-DB Project

Old Wholeplot database file

Browse for the old-style single drill-hole database.

Script Parameter: DHCONVERT.OLDGDB

New drill-hole project name

This "tag" is combined with each type of data in the output project. For instance, if you input "Test" the output database names would be "Test_Collar.gdb", "Test_Survey.gdb", "Test_Assay.gdb", etc.

The tag cannot contain spaces or underscores.


Application Notes

As of version 6.3, old-style single-database "Drillhole" projects are no longer supported, however, this GX may be used to convert them to the new multi-database format.

Old-style drill-hole databases contained not only the collar table, but tables for survey, assay and lithology data. With many holes, this became unwieldy. The new drillhole project divides the data into separate databases, one contains the collar table, one contains the survey information, and there is one database for each type of assay or lithology (geology) data.