Edit Rock Codes

Use the DH-Data > Edit Rock Codes menu option (DHEDRCD GX) to add or edit rock codes.

Drillhole - Edit Rock Codes dialog options

Rock codes list file (*.csv)

Select the rock codes list file to modify.

This GX must be run interactively.


Launches the Rock Codes editor.

Application Notes

Use this GX to add or edit the rock codes. The Rock Codes list file is an example of a new class of files call "thematic pattern" files. A thematic pattern bears the following properties:


The full name of the pattern. Ex: "felsic volcanics"


Short-form of the pattern description. This is the value, which typically appears (for instance) in the "Rock code" channel in a drill hole From-To data group. Ex: "FVOL"


Text to use as a short-form in labels, graphs etc. By default, this is the same as the code. Ex: "FVol."

Pattern Attributes:


The Pattern Index; defined in DEFAULT.PAT, or in the user's USER.PAT file. If not specified, defaults to 0 (solid fill).


The pattern tile size. If not specified, defaults to 2.0mm.


The tiling density. If not specified, defaults to 1.0.


The line thickness in the tile, expressed as a integer percentage (0-100) of the tile size.


The pattern fill colour. If not specified, defaults to black.

Populate from channel

Press this button to bring up a list of the available data channels in the currently selected drill project. The currently selected holes in the selected channels are then scanned for all distinct (case-sensitive) items. Those items not currently found in the list of rock codes are automatically added to the rock codes list, with the initial pattern set to solid black. This is a fast way to set up a rock codes file for the first time.