Drillhole Export to CSV File

Use the DH-Data > Export > CSV File menu option (DHEXPCSV GX) to export a Drillhole project to a Comma Separated File (CSV).

  1. On the DH-Data menu click Export > CSV File. The Drill Hole – Export to a CSV file dialog is displayed.

  2. Specify a prefix for CSV files (optional), and using the Holes to export drop-down list select which holes to export: "Selected holes", "All holes", or "Select from list".

  3. Click the OK button to export the drillhole project to a CSV file format.

Drill Hole – Export to a CSV File dialog options

Prefix for CSV files

Prefix for file names.

Script Parameter: DHEXPCSV.PREFIX

Holes to export

Select which holes to export "Selected holes", "All holes", or "Select from list"

Script Parameter: DHEXPCSV.SELECTED: "ALL", "SELECTED" or "LIST". If using the "LIST" option, set the DHEXPCSV.LIST parameter to be the selected holes, comma-separated.

Application Notes

All the holes are grouped and exported by type (Assays, Rocks, Survey and a Collar) in different files. The GX will ask for a Prefix and append the type name and CSV.








If no prefix is provided, the files will simply be "Assay.csv" etc.