Edit Selected Flight Lines (EDITLINE GX)

Use the EDITLINE GX to edit line information for all selected flight lines. This is useful for changing line types, flight numbers, or dates for a group of lines in a database.

Edit all Selected Flight Lines dialog options

Line type

Select the line type from the list. If blank, the line type is not changed.

Script Parameter: EDITLINE.TYPE

Date (yyyy/mm/dd)

Enter the date in YYYY/MM/DD format. If blank, the date is not changed.

Script Parameter: EDITLINE.DATE

Flight number

Enter the new flight number (integer). If blank, the flight number is not changed.

Script Parameter: EDITLINE.FLIGHT

Application Notes

If any parameters are blank, the parameter is not changed.

The process will stop if the new name of a selected line already exists. All lines processed up to that point will be changed.

"Group" lines are not affected by these operations.