Export Map to BMP or PLT

The EXPMAP GX exports a map to a bitmap or external plot file.

This GX runs from a script. The Export function in Oasis montaj can be recorded.

Script Parameters


File name to create.

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.FILE


Map export options:

0 – Export in View Mode

1 – Export in Raster Mode

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.MODE


Export Entire Map or a region:

0 – Specified Region

1 – Entire Map

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.ALL





Specify view area. Only needed if not exporting entire map. In View mode the values are in view units, and in Raster mode the values are in millimeters.

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.MINX

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.MINY

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.MAXX

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.MAXY


Output colour depth information. Must be one of:

0 - Default Colour

1 - Black & White (dithered)

4 - 16 Colour (dithered)

5 - 16 Shades of grey (dithered)

8 - 256 Colour (dithered)

9 - 256 Shades of grey (dithered)

24 - True Colour

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.BITS


Controls the dithering for colour bits 1,4,5,8,9:

0 - Standard Regular Dither

1 - Error Diffusion Dither

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.DITHER

Dots per inch

If output format is a raster type this will override RES or SIZEX and SIZEY below. Map page size will be used to determine pixel size of output.

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.DPI

View Mode Script Parameters


Name of the View to export coordinates in.

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.VIEW


Resolution of a pixel in view units. This parameter is used to size any raster images exported.

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.RES

Export Format

Type of output file to create:

  • PLT Geosoft Plot (*.plt)

  • SHP ArcView Shapfile (*.shp)

  • DXF12 AutoCad12 (*.dxf)

  • DXF13 AutoCad13 (*.dxf)

  • GTIFF GeoTIFF (*.tif),

  • MTIFF MapInfo TIFF (*.tif)

  • ATIFF ArcView TIFF (*.tif)

  • GEO Geosoft COLOR grid (*.grd)

  • ERM ER Mapper RGB (*.ers)

  • Google Earth Keyhole Markup (*.kmz)

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.FORMAT

Raster Mode Script Parameters


Number of pixels in the X direction to export. This and the SiseY parameter together define the output size. However, the user should only specify one of these options and place 0 for the unspecified one. The software will automatically compute the unspecified parameter to keep the aspect ratio of the exported map.

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.SIZEX


Number of pixels in the Y direction. See SizeX for comments.

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.SIZEX

Export Format

The following output formats are supported in Raster mode:

  • EMF Enhanced Metafile (*.emf)

  • BMP Bitmap (*.bmp)

  • JPEGL JPEG Low Quality (*.jpg)

  • JPEGH JPEG High Quality (*.jpg)

  • GIF GIF (*.gif)

  • PCX PCX (*.pcx)

  • PNG PNG (*.png)

  • EPS Encapsulated PostScript (*.eps)

  • TIFF TIFF (*.tif)

Script Parameter: EXPMAP.FORMAT