Power Spectrum

Use the 1D FFT > Power Spectrum menu option (FFTPSPEC GX) to calculate the log power spectrum of a channel and save it in a new database.

Log Power Spectrum dialog options


Name of the input channel in the current dataase.

Script Parameter: FFTPSPEC.IN

Power spectrum output channel

Name of Power Spectrum output channel saved in a new output database.

Script Parameter: FFTPSPEC.OUT

[Set Sampling]

Click this button to open the Set FFT Sampling Parameters dialog to set the channel data sampling parameters and ensure that the input data is appropriately sampled for 1D FFT.

Application Notes

The output power spectrum will be the natural log of the power spectrum.

The fiducial increment will be cycles per original fiducial. The profile is extended to a power of 2 times the length and the wavenumber increment will be 1/(length * fid_increment).