Upward Continuation (CNUP)

Use the Upward Continuation option to apply an upward continuation filter.

Upward Continuation dialog options

Distance to upward continue

The distance h in ground units, to continue up relative to the plane of observation.

Application Notes

Upward continuation is considered a clean filter because it produces almost no side effects that may require the application of other filters or processes to correct. Because of this, it is often used to remove or minimize the effects of shallow sources and noise in grids. Also, upward continued data may be interpreted numerically and with modelling programs. This is not the case for many other filter processes.

Upward continuation



Distance in ground units, relative to the plane of observation tocontinue up.

Wavenumber domain variable definition


Wavenumber domain increment, used to depict a radially symmetrical variable.


np is the number of points

cs is the cell size


X component in the wavenumber domain. k = 2π ( i μ+j ν )


Y component in the wavenumber domain.



Radial component in the wavenumber domain.

also 2πk


Polar component in the wavenumber domain.

  • Ground_unit is the survey ground units as defined in your grid (e.g. metre or feet). Ground units may be left undefined.