Cosine Roll-off (COSN)

Use the Cosine Roll-off option to apply a cosine roll-off filter.

Cosine Roll-off Filter dialog options

Long wavelength cutoff

The starting wavelength roll-off in ground unit. See illustration, this parameter is equivalent to k0-1.

Short wavelength cutoff

The ending wavelength roll-off in ground unit. See illustration, this parameter is equivalent to k1-1.

Degree of cosine function:

The degree n of the cosine function. The higher the degree, the sharper the roll-off. The default is 2.

Low pass or

High pass

To generate the regional field, select Low pass. This is the default. The High pass is the reciprocal filter and produces the residual field.

Application Notes

Because this filter has a smooth shape, and it does not alter the energy spectrum below the start of roll-off (or after the end of roll-off in high-pass mode), it is commonly used for simple high-pass or low-pass operations. To reduce ringing, the separation between k1 and k0 can be increased.

Cosine roll-off filter




The starting wavelength roll-off.


The ending wavelength roll-off.


Positive integer value determining the degree of sharpness of the cutoff.

  • Ground_unit is the survey ground units as defined in your grid (e.g. metre or feet). Ground units may be left undefined.