Download from GC3

Use the Gravity > Import > Download from GC3 menu option (GRDNLCG3 GX) to download a GC-3 instrument over the serial port of your computer.

Download from GC3 dialog options

COM port #

Select the Communications port that will be used to connect to the CG-3.

BAUD rate

Select 1200 or 2400 according to agree with the setting on your CG-3

Place in file (*.cg3)

The name of the file in which to place the data. We recommend that you include the survey date in the file name (for example Oct13_99.cg3).

Application Notes

When you click on OK, you will receive a confirmation dialog that will allow you to connect to the CG-3 and prepare for downloading. Click OK again to commence the download within 90 seconds. The data will be downloaded to the specified file, which will be displayed in your default editor when finished.

You can load the cg3 dump file into a gravity survey database by selecting the menu option Gravity > Import > Import Gravity Survey and setting the data source type to "Scintrex CG-3".