Load UKOA Locations

Use the Load UKOA Locations menu option (GRUKOA GX) to load location information from a UKOA file into a gravity database.

Load UKOA locations dialog box option

UKOA point file (*.u??)

Select UKOA file name.

Script Parameter: GRUKOA.UKOA

UKOA line alias table

Select the name of a projection description file (see MAPPROJ.PRJ).

Script Parameter: GRUKOA.ALIAS

Output coordinate projection file

Select the name of a line name alias table.

Script Parameter: GRUKOA.PRJ

Application Notes

The PROJECT GX can be used to create a projection file. Refer to MAPPROJ.PRJ for a description of the projection file format.

The line alias table is used to translate line names used in the UKOA file to the line numbers used in the gravity database. The alias table is a Geosoft table file which contains at least a "UKOA" field and a "Line" field. The UKOA field contains the UKOA line name and the "Line" field contains the line number alias. Following is an example:


/= UKOA:string16

/= Line:long


F 95304

G 95305

H 95306

I 95307
