Create a HyperGrid from a Grid Mosaic

The HGDMOSAIC GX will create a hypergrid (HGD) file from a set of grids that together make up a mosaic of a larger area.

Create a HyperGrid from a Grid Mosaic

Input grids

Select a set of grids to be used to make up the hypergrid mosaic. To do this, click on the Browse button and select the grid files while holding down the Ctrl key. All grids must be in the same directory and in the same basic format.

Output HyperGrid

The name of the hypergrid that will be created.

Application Notes

A HyperGrid is an optimized read-only grid format for DAP servers and supports compression, extremely fast windowing, and multithreading. We recommend that very large grids or images that require frequent windowing to support client requests be provided to a DAP server in HyperGrid format.

The actual HyperGrid is made up of a set of compressed files as follows:

  • .hgd: the base grid index file.
  • contains the georeferencing information.
  • .hgd#: where ‘#’ is 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. These are individual compressed grids of the original data at resolutions that are factors of two differences in size.

All hgd files must be placed in a data directory in the DAP server data area for the DAP server to catalog the data.