Edit Metadata

Use the Edit Metadata dialog to edit the metadata associated with the selected file. The dialog includes a menu pane on the left and interactive tabbed windows to the right-hand side. Each Metadata type can be added to the appropriate tabbed window.

Edit Metadata dialog options


Select the General button to display the general metadata parameters: Dataset name, Purpose, Primary theme/Subject, Secondary theme/Category, Tertiary theme/Type, File format, Web link, Abstract

Specify the parameters by entering the information in the text boxes provided, or , where available, select parameter options from the drop-down lists.


Select the Location button to display the location metadata parameters: Continent, Country, Province/State, Region/Area.

Specify the parameters by selecting from the drop-down lists where available or by entering the information in the text boxes provided.


Select the Data button to display the data parameters: Project name, Data source, Project type, Scale/Resolution, Data created by, Data creation date, Metadata created by, Metadata creation date, Confidentiality.

Specify parameters by entering the information in the text boxes provided or by selecting parameters from drop-down lists.

You can also use the Arrow buttons, on the bottom right, to navigate through the metadata tabbed parameter windows. 

Application Notes

Metadata (data about data) is captured by Oasis montaj from the first time the data is touched. The metadata information, which is based on ISO 19115 standards, is stored inside the data (if supported) or as a companion XML file. When you import or work with data in Oasis montaj, the user name, date, time and any "actions performed on the data" will be maintained in the metadata. When data is derived from other data, the metadata is passed on, and the lineage of what was done to the data is maintained in the Lineage section.