Edit MAPPLOT Template

Use the Edit MAPPLOT Template dialog to modify a map template based on existing default formats. The dialog opens from the MAPPLOT Template Manager.

Edit MAPPLOT Template dialog options

Template name

The name of the template you want to edit is displayed.

Map style

Select either a Full Map (select Map) or Figure (select Figure) style map.

The Full Map style is normally used for A1/A0 size maps, the Figure style map for A3/A4.

Media size

Select from a variety of metric (A4, etc.) and imperial standards (letter, etc.)


Select from one of the two options: 

  • Portrait – orients the page so that the length is greater than the width.
  • Landscape – orients the page so that the width is greater than the length.

Fixed or minimum size

Select the size on page:

  • Fixed – creates a map surround that is a specific distance from the map (data), regardless of the size of the map.
  • Minimum (optimal ) – creates a map surround with a distance from the map which is proportionally-spaced based on a minimum distance from the map to the surround.

Map margins (cm.)

Specify the margin width in cm for bottom, right, top, and left margins.

Inside data margin

Enter the margin width between the data and map surround in cm.

Positive plot direction

Specify the direction in which x is positive (left or right).

Vertical reference angle

Enter the angle (counter-clockwise in degrees) at which a line is considered vertical. Any line up to this angle is considered vertical (Default is 67.5).

Application Notes

This GX only runs in interactive mode.

The system provides a variety of default templates that enable you to create your own standard maps with logos, custom layouts and other elements as required. For example, you may use the default A4 or A3 templates to create your own layout that you use regularly for map-making.

Map templates are currently saved permanently in your system so when you are learning the system, we suggest you experiment using the same template until you are ready to create a final version with a custom name. You may want to make up a testing template, called TEST, for example.

Full map and figure style layouts:

The Full Map style (Map1) places the data coordinates on the left side of the page, and the scale bar, title block and north arrow to the right. Use this map style when you want to plot a vertically long colour legend bar on your map.

The Figure style map (Map2) places the data coordinates across the top of the paper with the scale and north arrow below. The figure map maximizes grid space, but leaves little room for a colour legend.