PLTR (Set plot file reference point)

The PLTR command sets the plot file origin (refp 10) within the ground coordinate system. The scale, xorig, and yorig parameters have the same meanings as used elsewhere in the Geosoft mapping system software. If used, this is usually the first command of a MAPPLOT control file unless preceded by the INIT command

Command Syntax:

PLTR scale,xorig,yorig

Command Parameters:


The number of ground coordinate system units that make up one metre on the final plot. If the SRF units are metres then scale is simply the map scale. If the SRF units are feet then scale = map scale * 3.28084 ft/m. The default is scale = 100 to allow working in map centimetres, the default map unit.


Location of the plot file origin relative the ground coordinate system. The default is 0,0.

  • If used, then the PLTR parameters should be the same as the scale and offset specified for a corresponding contour map and/or plan/posting/profile map.
  • We recommend using the MDFF command to set-up the coordinate systems whenever possible. This requires creating and MDF file before using MAPPLOT, but it will ensure that all plots created using the same MDF will register correctly.
  • Example
    PLTR 2500,-1000,-500

    MAPR 0,-1000,-500,0,500

    The PLTR command sets the map scale and origin, and the MAPR command defines the map corners. After this, all reference points are defined.

  • This command is part of the MAPPLOT GX.