WIND (Define a plotting window)

The WIND command defines a window (in plotting units), within which data is to be plotted. This window is used to clip data when clipping is on, and for annotation purposes. The window is also used to define data coordinate scaling using WDEF command. The plotting units are defined using the UNIT command and are in cm by default.

Command Syntax:

WIND refp, x1,y1,x2,y2,dx,dy,margin

Command Parameters:


Reference point from which to refer the following coordinates. The default is the last reference point used.


The coordinates of the lower left corner of the plotting window. The defaults are the same as the currently defined plotting window.


The coordinates of the upper right corner of the current plotting window. The defaults are the same as the currently defined plotting window.


The X and Y size of the plotting window. If specified, then x2,y2 are ignored.


The window is enlarged by this amount on all sides. This parameter is provided to allow the window to be expanded in size after setting the scaling for profile plotting.


The following control file defines a plotting page and a plotting window, draws a line around the page and the window, and then draws a clipped diagonal line.

PAGE 1,1,40,24 /define a plotting page

WIND 1,2,2,,,10,10 /define a 10x10 cm plotting window

RECT 1 /draw a line around page

RECT 12 /draw a line around plotting window

CLIP 1 /turn clipping on

LINA 1,0,0 /this line will be clipped to

50,50 /data window 

The following example reads data from an XYZ file and scales the plotting window to plot the data. It then expands the window to add margins and plots the data:

PAGE 1,1,30,25 /define plotting page

DOPN mag 2 /open MAG.XYZ to read second A

DXYZ L100 /read Line 100

DMOV Z,Y /move Z into Y buffer

WIND 1,5,15,27,23 /define a plotting window within

WDEF ,,,,,,1 /map window to X,Y buffers

WIND ,,,,,,1.0 /redefine window for 1cm margin

RECT 12 /box around window

LINA 0 /plot buffer as world coord.

  • This command is part of the MAPPLOT GX.