
Use the Map Tools > Profile menu option (PROFILE GX) to draw profiles of channel values on your map for all selected lines in a database.

Profile dialog options

Profile channel

Select the channel to profile (display in profile view).

Array channels: By default, all elements of an array channel will be plotted. If a colour table has not been specifically attributed to the array channel (using Array Profile Colours… located on the RMB menu of the channel name), the default colour.tbl will be used.

To plot a profile for a particular column of data in an array channel, first select the array channel, then manually edit the value, adding the column number enclosed in square brackets. The columns are indexed from 0 to N-1, where N is the size (number of columns) of the array channel. For example, for channel “EM”, appending “[1]” to give “EM[1]” will result in the second column of values being plotted as a profile.

Script Parameter: PROFILE.CHANNEL

Profile scale (units/mm)

The profile’s vertical scale in units/mm

Script Parameter: PROFILE.SCALE

Profile base

The base level for the profile. If not specified, the minimum value on each profile is used as the base level.

Script Parameter: PROFILE.BASE

Log option

Select "linear", "logarithm" or "log-linear-log" options. For logarithmic scales, if the data is negative you can specify a linear scale in units/mm for drawing the region between +/- the profile base value, which will default to 1.0.

Script Parameter: PROFILE.LOG

Log base

The profile base value, which will default to 1.0.

Script Parameters: PROFILE.LOGBASE

Smooth line

Select "yes" or "no". "Yes" to resample the profile to a smooth line.

Script Parameter: PROFILE.SMOOTH

Line colour

Select line colours

Script Parameter: PROFILE.COLOR

Line thickness (mm)

The line thickness.


Line style

Select the line style.

Script Parameter: PROFILE.STYLE

Line pitch (mm)

The line pitch.

Script Parameter: PROFILE.PITCH

Positive fill colour

Select the colour to fill positive parts of the profile.

Script Parameter: PROFILE.PFILCOR

Negative fill colour

Select the colour to fill negative parts of the profile.

Script Parameter: PROFILE.NFILCOR

Maximum down-line gap

The maximum gap between data points across which a profile should not be drawn.

Script Parameter: PROFILE.GAP

Join to line ends

Select "Yes" or "No" to join the profile to the ends of the line trace.

Script Parameter: PROFILE.JOIN

Reverse plot order

Select "Yes" to plot the profiles in reverse order. Depending if successive lines run from the bottom to the top (or left to right), successive profiles may obscure previous ones. By reversing the order, the overlap order can be corrected.


Application Notes

For vertical lines, the positive direction for profiles (left or right) is based on the up-direction and vertical line angle limit specified in the map template that was used to create the map.

For line-oriented Geoscience surveys, you may want to display 1D-profiles of the data values on each survey line.


The profile begins by determining the direction from the start of the line to its end. The direction perpendicular to this direction is used to provide the "Y-axis" direction for each profile point location, and individual profile points are located by taking the original (X, Y) data point location, and adding an offset, based on "Z",  in the calculated "Y-axis" direction, determined by the input base and scale.

In other words, a horizontal line produces a vertical profile, and a vertical line will produce a horizontal profile; the profile displacement being perpendicular to the average line direction from start to finish.

It is recommended that if a line records more than a single flight direction to be split into individual linear segments before the PROFILE GX is used.