Plot Proportional Size Symbols

Use the Proportional Size option to place proportionally scaled symbols on your map. Symbol plotting parameters include the following:

  • Data channel used for scaling symbols
  • Zero base level (data units)
  • Scale factor (data units/mm)
  • Symbol
  • Weight
  • Line colour
  • Fill colour

The  Proportional Size option  is available with the following extensions and menus:

  • Map Tools > Symbols menu option (PROPSYMB GX)
  • Geochemistry extension: Geochem Map > Point Plots menu (CHPROPSYMB GX)
  • Grav/Mag Interpretation extension: Euler 3D > Plot Solution Symbols menu (PROPSYMB GX)

Proportional Size dialog options

Data channel

Select the channel to plot from the current database. The sizes of the plotted symbols are scaled according to the data values in this channel. The symbol size in mm is given by the following relationship:

Script Parameter: PROPSYMB.CHANNEL

Zero base level (data units)

Zero base level (data units). This value is subtracted from the data value in the size channel, before the scaling factor is applied. Values less than or equal to the base level are not plotted.

Script Parameter: PROPSYMB.BASE

Scale factor (data units/mm)

Symbol scale size units/mm.

Script Parameter: PROPSYMB.SCALE

Mask channel

Select a mask channel from the drop-down list. If the use of the mask channel is enabled and set to this channel, only those data values whose corresponding mask channel values are not dummy values will be plotted or exported.

Channels must have their CLASS attribute set to MASK to appear as selections in the drop-down list. If the mask channel does not exist, it will be created with its CLASS attribute set to MASK.

Script Parameter: PROPSYMB.MASK


If you wish to edit the look of your symbols, click the Symbol button, and the Symbol Attributes dialog is displayed.

Script Parameters:

PROPSYMB.SYMBOL: Font face name, e.g. "symbols.gfn"

PROPSYMB.GEOFONT: 1 if a Geosoft font, O for TrueType (TT)

PROPSYMB.SYMBOL: Symbol number.

PROPSYMB.WEIGHT: Symbol weight

PROPSYMB.LINE_COLOR: Symbol edge colour

PROPSYMB.FILL_COLOR: Symbol fill colour

PROPSYMB.ANGLE: Symbol angle

Application Notes

Use the PROPSYMBLEG GX to plot a proportional symbol legend.

Plotted data is masked to the current data view’s clip region. Data outside the clip region is still written to the map, but is not visible. To see this data, uncheck the "Masked to view" box in the Map Manager tool.

If you are plotting symbols to a data view that is not oriented in 3D, the current X, Y channels must be set in the database.
If you are plotting symbols to a 3D oriented view, the current X, Y and Z channels must be set in the database. Symbols plotted to a 3D oriented view are projected to the section plane irrespective of the section thickness.