Resize to Data Extents

Use the Map Tools > Resize to Data Extents menu option (RESZMAP GX) to resize the data view and base views of a map to fit the currently drawn objects.

Resize to Data Extents dialog options

Inside data margin (mm)

Specify the width of the inside data margin in mm. This is the margin to add to the current data extent limits. This option allows the data view to be larger than the currently data objects.

Script Parameter: RESZMAP.MARGIN

Draw/redraw base map?

Select "Yes" to run the BASEMAP2 GX to redraw the base map using the new view extents.

Script Parameter: RESZMAP.REDRAW

Application Notes

Use this GX to define new data and base view extents after adding new graphic objects to the map, or after editing the map. If the inside data margin is negative, the data view size will be reduced, but the map size will not be reduced. If the data view increases in size, the base view will increase in size to allow at least the current minimum map margins.

  • Coordinate annotations are part of the data view and will be included in calculating the data extents.