Filter Conditions (SQL Builder)

Use this dialog to specify conditions to enable you to filter out unwanted rows. When importing fields (columns) from an external database into a Geosoft database, you may only want certain rows to be imported.

Filter Conditions dialog options


Select a field(s) for which you want to define a condition on which to filter.


Specify a condition type for the field(s). Your choices are:

  • equals
  • does not equal
  • less than
  • greater than
  • less than or equal to
  • greater than or equal to
  • between


Specify the value(s) against which to compare the field(s).

Application Notes

If this dialog is being launched from the general Database menu, there will be two extra options: to select the database you want to import and to select the fields you want to import. However, if this dialog is launched from the Drillhole ODBC Import menu, these extra options will not be present, as they will have already been specified in the Drillhole tool from which this dialog is launched.

Condition Syntax

Wildcards (%) can be used with string fields. For example, to select only Collar IDs that start with "AX" you would specify: "equals AX%".

Between: when using the "between" filter condition you must specify your two numbers separated by a comma, for example, "between 10,19".

  • Conditions applied to the same field should apply the logical "OR". Conditions applied to different fields should apply the logical "AND".