Apply Custom Contours

Use the Map Tools > Contour > Contour menu option (SCONT32 GX) to contour a grid and provide access to contour parameters.

The method lets you interactively set up a contouring scheme comprising:

  • Custom contouring options
  • Up to eight line styles
  • Corresponding line labels

To apply custom contouring:

  1. Open the map to which you want to add contours.

  2. On the Map Tools menu, select Contour > Contour: the Contour dialog is displayed.

    Select the grid to be contoured, the basic contouring option and the contour levels.

  3. Click the Options button. The system displays the Contour Options dialog.

    Set any parameters as required and click OK.

  4. The Contour dialog is again displayed. Click the Line Styles button. The system displays the Line Colour and Weight dialog.

    Select the weight and colour you want to use for each contour level.

  5. Click the Next> button to display the Line Styles dialog.

    From the drop-down lists, select the line styles for the contours.

  6. Click the Next> button to display the Label Lines dialog.

    From the drop-down list, specify which contour levels you want to label on your map.

  7. Click Finish to return to the main dialog. Click OK to display the contours on your map.

Contour dialog options

Input grid file

The name of the grid to contour.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.GRID

Contouring option

Select "multiples of levels" (0) to plot the levels and their multiples or "exact levels" (1) to plot only the exact stated contours

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.TYPE

(smallest) Interval level 1

The first level, which must be the smallest

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.LEV1

Interval level 2 

The next level, larger than the previous.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.LEV2

Interval level 3 

The next level, larger than the previous.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.LEV3

Interval level 4 

The next level, larger than the previous.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.LEV4

Interval level 5 

The next level, larger than the previous.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.LEV5

Interval level 6 

The next level, larger than the previous.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.LEV6

Interval level 7 

The next level, larger than the previous.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.LEV7

Interval level 8 

The next level, larger than the previous.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.LEV8


This button starts contouring.


This button displays the Contour Options dialog box.

[Line Styles]

This button displays the first of three line-style dialog boxes.

Contour Options dialog options

Smoothing option

Default - select and smooth

Refine - Double the number of points in each contour trace. This will improve the appearance of maps created from grids with larger cell sizes.

Smooth and refine - Apply one pass contour smoothing, then contour doubling. Smoothing applies a three-point Hanning filter to the contour trace.

No smoothing - Do not smooth or double contours.

Default - For grid cell size smaller than 1 mm, two passes of Hanning, no contour doubling. For grid cell size between 1 and 3 mm, one pass Hanning and contour doubling. For grid cell size greater than 3 mm, no Hanning, no contour doubling.

Excessive contour smoothing can cause the ends of suppressed contours to cross adjacent contours, especially with noisy data. if this happens, we recommend smoothing the grid rather than the contours. This is done by using the GRIDHANN program to apply a HANNING filter to the grid before contouring.

It may also be necessary to re-sample the grid to a more appropriate grid cell size if the grid is too coarse. We recommend a grid cell size that is 2.5 mm (or 0.1 inch) at map scale when plotted. Re-sampling can be done by re-gridding the grid using BIGRID, or by re-sampling the grid using GRIDWIND. BIGRID will produce a better result and should be used if the re-sampling reduces the grid cell size by a factor of three or more. GRIDHANN should always be applied to the re-sampled grid.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.SMOOTH
Options include:
"0" no smoothing
"-1" refine
"-2" smooth and refine
if not specified or blank, default

Suppression option

Normal - Suppresses all contours that exceed the suppression density. This is the standard method which also allows room for contour labels in high gradient areas. This option will also flatten the visual appearance of the map.

Binary #1 - Only works with contour levels that divide the next higher level by 4. The outer two contours are dropped, and the centre contour continues until the gradient causes it to drop as well. This option produces the best visual appearance since high gradient areas still appear densely contoured. However, this option seldom leaves room for contour labels in high gradient areas.

Binary #2 - This is similar to Binary #1, except that it also applies to contour levels that divide the next higher level by 5. In this case, whichever of the central two contours are closer to the centre of the area (defined by the next higher level) is left in. As with Binary #1 this option produces better visual product than Normal suppression, but the contour dropping for the even 5th contours may, at times, appear discontinuous. This option rarely leaves room for contour labels in high gradient areas.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.SUPPRESS
Options include:
"1" for normal suppression
"2" for binary suppression

Suppression density (mm)

When contours of a level are closer together than this value they will be suppressed. If there is more than one level, then the suppression is applied to all the levels except the largest (last) interval.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.DENSE

High-low annotation

Select an annotation option for dealing with local maxima and minima locations in the grid. Options include "none", "low ticks" (0), "annotate and mark" (1), "mark only" (2), "annotate, mark high/low" (11), and "mark high/low" (12).

Note: Highs are marked with a "star" and lows are marked with a "triangle".

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.HILOW

High-low exclusion zone (cells)

High-low exclusion zone in cells. No more than one high/low will be annotated within this many cells. This is to prevent too many annotations in noisy data.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.HILOEX

Label display

Select "black" if you want all the labels to be coloured black. This is the default option. Select "same colour as contours" if you wish the labels for each contour line to be drawn in the same colour as the contour line. Select "no labels" if you do not want any labels at all.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.LABELCOL (0: black, 1: same as contours, -1: no labels)

Label style

Label style. The contour labels may be oriented up gradient or upward facing on the map. For options 0 and 1, the labels trace the curve of the contour. For options 2 and 3, the label is drawn in a straight line within the space. This is useful in cases where the path of the contour is tortuous, and the label might not otherwise plot, but it is more likely that some overlap of labels and adjacent contours will occur.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.LABUP
"0" - label with tops up-gradient
"1" - label with tops up on map.

"2" - label with tops up-gradient, straight labels

"3" - label with tops up on map, straight labels

Label size (mm)

The size of contour labels on the map.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.LABSIZE

Label # of decimals

The number of decimal places to use when labeling contours.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.DEC

Default line

Select a default line style. This style will be used for all map annotations other than contours.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.DEFLINE
the default lines style on the form "dl=kt150"

Line Colour and Weight dialog options

Line weight – colour level 1

Allows you to select the line weight and colour for each of the eight basic contour levels.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.COL1…COL8
the line colours in the form (rt300 for red, thickness 300 microns)

Line Styles dialog options

Line styles level 1

Allows you to select the line style for each of the eight basic contour levels.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.STY1...STY8
contour line styles:
1 - solid
2 - long dash
3 - dotted
4 - short dash
5 - dash-dot
6 - long-short dash

Label Lines dialog options

Label level 1

Allows you to turn on and off contour labeling for each of the 8 basic contour levels.

Script Parameter: CONTOUR.LAB1...LAB8
0 - do no label
1 – label

Application Notes

More complete control of contouring options is available through the contour control file, which is documented under Contour with a Control File.