Modify Coordinate System for Grid File(s)

Use the Grid and Image > Utilities > Modify Coordinate System for Grid File(s) menu option (SETIMGPRJ GX) to assign a coordinate system to one or more grids or image files.

Modify Coordinate System for Grid File(s) dialog options

Grid file(s)

Select the name of one or more grid files to which the coordinate system will be assigned. Use the Browse button to select multiple grids, then shift-selection to select multiple files in a range and ctrl-selection to select individual files to be added to the list.

All grid files must be the same type. The coordinate system of the first grid file will be default coordinate system, which may be modified in the next dialog.

Script Parameter: SETIMGPRJ.Y

Grid type

Select the grid type from the. All grids must have the same type.

Script Parameter: SETIMGPRJ.XGD


Select this button to display the current coordinate system assigned to the first grid in your list. This runs the Coordinate System Wizard, which enables you to view and modify the coordinate system.

Script Parameter:

If run from a script, the coordinate system parameters are taken from the parameters:
IPJ.NAME coordinate system name
IPJ.DATUM datum (name, major axis, ellipticity)
IPJ.METHOD projection method (name,p1,p2,... see GXF)
IPJ.UNITS distance units (name,m/unit)
IPJ.LOCALDATUM local datum (name,dx,dy,dz,rx,ry,rz,scale)

The use of these parameters conforms to GXF coordinate system descriptions.