Sort All by 1 Channel

Use the Database Tools > Channel Tools > Sort All by 1 Channel menu option (SORTALL GX) to sort all the channels based on a reference channel.

Sort All by 1 Channel dialog options

Reference channel

Channel on which to base the sort.

Script Parameter: SORTALL.CHANNEL


Ascending or Descending.

Script Parameter: SORTALL.ORDER

Sort read-only channels?

Yes to sort read-only channels, No to not sort read-only channels.

Script Parameter: SORTALL.READONLY

Application Notes

Use the SORTALL GX to organize your data and sort it based on a single reference channel, such as a time channel.

If a channel is not sampled at the same rate as the reference channels, the reference channels are re-sampled to match the channel being sorted. In addition, the full Fiducial range of all channels to be sorted is determined before the sort occurs, and all sorted channels are re-sampled to this range before sorting. This is necessary to preserve synchronicity of data between channels; i.e. all the data at a given FID will still share a common FID after (although the FID value itself may change).

If protected channels are not sorted, the fiducial relationships will be lost.