Add/Replace Group Mask

Use the Map Tools > Masking > Add/Replace Group Mask menu option (VIEWEXTCLIP GX) to add or replace a group mask to a view.

Add/Replace Group Mask (1 of 2)

Clip polygon file (.ply)

Browse for a file containing the polygon you wish to use as a group mask.

Script Parameter: VIEWEXTMASK.FILE

Map view

Select the view to remove the group mask from.

Script Parameter: VIEWEXTMASK.VIEW

Add/Replace Group Mask (2 of 2)

Group mask name

Choose a group mask name or pick an existing one to replace in the view.

Script Parameter: VIEWEXTMASK.NAME

Set mask for all groups in view?

Assign the group mask to all groups in the view. Default: No


Application Notes

Group masks provide the ability to have more control over masking of map elements than by just defining a single clipping area per view (see Apply View Mask (VIEWCLIP GX) documentation). After adding group masks to a view, groups within the view can be masked to the specific named area. To do this open the Group/View manager and select a group mask region from the drop down box. Select None to remove this masking attribute from a group.

Note that the view mask region as described in Apply View Mask can be active in addition to a group mask. Also see the Apply View Mask documentation for a further discussion on PLY files.