Split on X,Y Breaks


Use the Split on X,Y Breaks menu option (SPLITLINESONXY GX) to split lines into component lines based on tolerance of lateral distance. This will convert a neutral format line to Geosoft's XYZ format lines..

Split on X, Y Breaks dialog options

Line to break up

Select line to break up.

Script Parameter: XYZLINE.LINE

X channel

Select X Channel name.

Script Parameter: XYZLINE.XCH

Y channel

Select Y Channel name.

Script Parameter: XYZLINE.YCH

Line direction

Select line direction, "Any_direction", "x_direction", "Y_direction".

Script Parameter: XYZLINE.DIRCTN

Lateral distance tolerance

Specify the lateral distance tolerance. The lateral tolerance is a set distance from the given Line direction.

Script Parameter: XYZLINE.TOLRNC

Down line distance tolerance

Specify the down line distance tolerance. The down line distance tolerance is the maximum allowable distance between two points before a new line is created.

Script Parameter: XYZLINE.DOWNTOL

Line to break up

Select the line or lines break up. The options are the currently displayed line, the selected lines (the default) and all the lines.

Script Parameter: XYZLINE - "A" : All lines, "S" : Selected lines (default), "D" : Displayed line

Application Notes

This GX is intended to be used to break up lines that are imported from ASCII archives, which have a neutral format.

In this situation, the normal IMPORT GX can be used to import the data with a neutral format. The XYZLINE GX can then be used to break up the line or lines into separate segments based on the tolerance of lateral distance.

After breaking up a line the line will be deleted. If there are existing lines with the same line number as the new line segment, the new line version will be incremented.