Average Duplicate Samples

Use the Average Duplicate Samples option (IPDUP GX) to average duplicate samples in a database.

Average Duplicate Samples dialog options


Select which lines to process for duplicates. The options are the currently displayed line, the selected lines (the default) and all the lines.

Script Parameter: IP.LINES - "A" : All lines, "S" : Selected lines (default), "D" : Displayed line

Mask channel

Only those samples where the mask channel contains valid (non-dummy) data are included in the averaging process. Although a channel may be used as the mask channel, generally you would select the QC IP mask channel. This feature is useful (for instance) for frequency domain data where more than one base frequency is used at a single station. By specifying a particular base frequency’s "Amp" or "Phase" channel as the mask channel, only the values from that base frequency will be included in the average sample.

Script Parameter: IP.DUPMASK

QC channel

Only those samples where the selected QC channel contains a value of "1" are included in the averaging process. Generally you would select the QC RES mask channel. This value may be left blank, in which case only the mask channel will be used for data selection.

Script Parameter: IP.QC_CHAN

Output averages

If "Append" is chosen, the average samples are added at the end of each line. If "Overwrite" is chosen, previous duplicate samples are sought with the same station and N value, and if found, are overwritten; otherwise the new averages are appended.

Script Parameter: IP.DUPOUT – "0" : Append, "1": Overwrite

Application Notes

The "Type" channel is used to record whether a sample is raw data (0) or averaged data (1). Only raw data is used in the duplicate averaging process. In addition, if a"mask and/or QC channels are provided, only those samples whose "Mask" and/or QC value is 1 are included in the average.

Averages are performed on all data which share the same electode positions. For non-numeric (string) channels, the first value in the "average" is used.

This dialog runs the IP > Process > Recalculate option at its conclusion, so that values such as those found in the ResCalc channel are not averages, but calculated directly from the averaged current, and Vp values.