Import IP Data from Dump File

Use this dialog to import IP data from an instrument dump file.

Import IP Data from Dump File dialog options

Data file

The name of the dump file. Multiple file selection is enabled, so more than one dump file may be imported in a single step.

Script Parameter: IP.DUMPFILE

IP instrument

The type of file to import. Select one of the types from the list:

  1. Iris Elrec-2

  2. Iris Elrec-6

  3. Iris Elrec-10

  4. Iris Elrec-Pro (supports .bin format)

  5. Iris Prosys II

  6. Iris SYSCAL-R2

  7. Scintrex IPR11

  8. Scintrex IPR12

  9. Phoenix V2

  10. Phoenix V4-V5

Script Parameter: IP.INSTRUMENT – A number from the above list.


Scintrex IPR12

The import for the Scintrex IPR12 now supports data in the Schlumberger sounding mode. Pseudo-sections cannot be created from such data.