Import IP Data from Zonge AVG Format File

Use this dialog to import IP data from a Zonge AVG file.

Import Zonge AVG Format File dialog options

Zonge AVG file

The name of the Zonge AVG file. Multiple files can be selected.

Script Parameter: IP.ZAVGFILE

Array Type

AVG files do not contain the array type. Select one of: Dipole-Dipole, Pole-Dipole, Pole-Pole or Gradient.

Script Parameter: IP.ARRAYTYPE -- "0" for D-D, "1" for P-D, "2" for P-P and "3" for Grad.

Line Number

AVG files do not explicitly contain the current line number, although it is often included as part of the file name itself. This parameter is used to create a new line in the database. It is treated in the same manner as station numbers, and is scaled in the same fashion as stations (see Station & Line Scaling, below).

Script Parameter: IP.ZLINENUM

Line Direction

AVG files do specify the line direction. Select one of N-S, E-W. This is a nominal line direction, and determines whether the lines line and/or station values are to be "X" and "Y" values. (The directions themselves need not be included in output plots.) By default, lines run East-West, so that stations positions become "X" values and line positions become "Y" values.

Script Parameter: IP.LINEDIR -- "1" : N-S, "-1" : E-W

Station Scaling

Zonge station numbers do not always correspond 1-1 with the actual X or Y locations on a grid. This option provides three ways to locate stations. (Note that line direction – E-W or N-S – is determined from the default setting in the IP Project Setup).

None (1 to 1) : The station values are taken to be the station locations. (default)

Use A Spacing: The locations are determined by multiplying the station values by the A-Spacing, read from the $ASPACE variable.

Scale Factor: The user inputs a value; location = station*value.

Script Parameter: IP.STNSCALE 0: None, 1: A-Spacing, 2: Factor

Scale factor

The scale factor. Position = Stn * factor. Default = 1.

Script Parameter: IP.ZPOSMULT

Application Notes

The AVG file import reads in the following fields: (adapted from the Zonge references "ZONGE Data Processing CR Averaging Program version 7.2x", and "ZONGE Data Processing TDIP Data Averaging Program version 7.2x").

Time Domain and Frequency Domain Channels

R1X, R2X, T1X, T2X – Electrode locations are determined from the station numbers and the chosen scaling factor.


These values are imported "as is", without station scaling. The X, Y channels refer to this location (be sure that the Zonge convention for plotting points is selected in the IP Project Setup – Pole-Dipole Array type), but are actually calculated from the electrode locations.

N (AVG column NSp)

These values are actually calculated from the derived electrode locations, but should be the same as those contained in the NSp column of the AVG file.

TX_Freq (AVG column Freq)

Frequency at which data was measured. If Frequency is zero, values are coupling corrected when possible.

I (AVG column Amps)

Average Square Wave transmitter Current in amps, as entered into the GDP

ResMeas (AVG column Resistivity)

Measured apparent resistivity, in Ohmmeters.

Frequency Domain Channels

DCPhase (AVG column Phase, when frequency is zero)

The 3-point Decoupled Phase values.

FXXX_Amp and FXXX_Phs (AVG columns Resistivity and Phase, when frequency is not zero) (array channels)

Average Fourier magnitude, divided by the SquareWave Current v/a. The GDP displays the Fourier magnitude values and SquareWave Current. The .AVG-file values are the same; Average Phase angle, in milliradians.

The XXX refers to the base frequency; the channels contain the 5 harmonics.

There are "Amp" and "Phase" array channels for each base frequency present. 

FXXX_AmpErr and FXXX_PhsErr (AVG columns %Mag and sPhz) (array channels)

Statistical variation of the data averaged for this location: Standard Deviation / Average Normalized Magnitude * 100, percent. Standard Deviation of Phase values, milliradians.


The Square Wave Voltage value is not recorded in the AVG frequency domain file. For this import, the values are derived from the input current and resistivity. The Res_Calc and Res_Meas channels should be virtually identical (since Res_Calc is determined, after the import, from Vp and I).

Time Domain Channels

NwmntChg (AVG column Nwmnt-Chg)

Calculated Newmont Chargeability value, in ms.

MFZonge (AVG column MetalFactor)

Calculated Metal Factor value, unitless. (Zonge definition: Metal Factor = 1000 * Chargeability / App Resistivity).

FXXX_Amp (AVG column Resistivity, when frequency is not zero) (array channels)

Window Voltage / Primary Voltage, 10*mV/Vp (milliunits times ten), when Time is not zero. This channel may not appear if the entire AVG file has only Time=0 values.

The XXX refers to the base frequency; the channels contain the 13 time windows (time domain).

There is one "Amp" array channel for each base frequency present.

PctDev (AVG column %V/Vp) – (array channels)

Statistical variation of V/Vp from averaged data blocks. This channel may not appear if the entire AVG file has only Time=0 values. Standard Deviation / Average V/Vp * 100, percent.


These values are read directly from the Vp;V/Vp column, for Time=0 lines.

Scale Factor

The Scale Factor is a required field, but is only used if the Station Scaling drop down is set to Scale Factor.