Inline IP Pseudo-Section

Use the Inline IP Pseudo-Section menu option (IPPSPLOT GX) to plot one or more pseudo-section maps or grid sections. Map names are constructed from the line number and the channel specified in the control file; e.g.

Inline IP Pseudo-Section dialog options

IP Plot Control file

Specify the name of the control file for plotting the pseudo-sections. The default file type is ".ipi".

Script Parameter: IP.PLOTFILE

Map Name Tag

If no Map Name Tag is specified, the map names are derived from the database name; e.g. "". If a tag is specified, it is appended to the map name, for example, if the tag is "_test", the same map would be "".

This feature is useful to avoid overwriting previous maps for different stacked section plots created from the same database.

When grid files are created inside a stacked section plot (for the sections themselves) the grids names are derived from the individual line name followed by the tag name and the extension .grd, fir example, "L100_test.grd".

Script Parameter: IP.MAP_TAG


Select the lines to plot. The options are the currently Displayed line, the Selected lines (the default) and All lines.

Script Parameter: IP.LINES - "A" : All lines, "S" : Selected lines (default), "D" : Displayed line


Select the Modify button to edit the selected control file, or create a new one, using the "Pseudo-Section Parameters" tabbed dialog tool.