Set Configuration - Derived Channel Calculations

Some channels contain data input from an instrument or data file. Others, such as the X and Y positions, or calculated resistivity values, are derived from the input data. These parameters control the calculation of the derived values.

Derived Channel Calculations dialog options

Windows for Averaged
Total IP

The windows to include in the average total IP channel IP_Avg.

The windows to include are to be listed as in the following examples:







: Channels 0,1,2,3,5,6,8 and 10

: All channels from 0 to 9

: All channels from 0 to 9

: Channels 3 and up

: Channels up to and including 5

: (Blank) All channels

Ranges are allowed, indicated with a "-" or ":", and items are delimited with commas or spaces. If there are N windows, then the first window is "0" and the last is "N-1". If this parameter is left blank, all the windows are used in the calculation.

Script Parameter: IP.AVGWINDOWS

Normalize average IP by window width

Selecting Yes (default) applies time-window width weighting when averaging the N values in the IP array channel.

Selecting No will simply normalize the average IP by the N number.

Resistivity Units

One of "Ohm-m", "Ohm-ft" or "Ohm-ft/2pi"

Script Parameter: IP.RUNITS -- "0" : Ohm-m, "1" : Ohm-ft, "2" : Ohm-ft/2pi.

Metal factor formula

The formula used in deriving the metal factor, either IP/resistivity or IP*9.58 / sqrt(resistivity). (The resistivity is the value found in the Res_Calc channel.)

Script Parameter: IP.MFFORM -- "0" : IP/resistivity, "1" : IP*9.58/sqrt(resistivity)

Metal factor multiplier

Scaling factor for the metal factor formula. The default is 1000.

Script Parameter: IP.MFM -- Scaling factor for the metal factor formula. The default is 1000.

Minimum N spacing

For plotting pseudo-sections, spacing factors below this are ignored. The default is 1. This parameter is also used when importing data from IPR-11 dump files, where a "starting N" value is required.

Script Parameter: IP.MINN

Maximum N spacing

For plotting pseudo-sections, spacing factors above this are ignored. The default is 8, but values above this are valid.

Script Parameter: IP.MAXN

N Spacing Increment

Normally 1, this may be set 0.25 or 0.5 to allow for fractional values of N. The default is 1. Calculated values of N are rounded to the nearest integral multiple of the N Spacing Increment.

Script Parameter: IP.NINC

Pseudo-section filter

The Fraser Filter to apply:

  1. Regular Pant-leg (default)
  2. Pant-leg, single point at top
  3. Regular Pyramid
  4. Pyramid, single point at top
  5. Half pant-leg, in the direction from Rx toward Tx. This would be used for Sp readings.

Script Parameter: IP.FILTER – A value from 1 to 5 from the above list.

Filter weights

A list in the format w1,w2,w3... of filter weights to apply to each N expansion starting with n=1. Weights must be separated with spaces or commas. Weights for separations greater than the N for the last specified weight are set to 1.0. If left blank, all weights are set to 1.0

Script Parameter: IP.WEIGHTS – A list in the above format.

Adjust app. res. for

If "yes", include the "Z" separation due to topography in the calculations of the separations of the Tx and Rx electrodes in the apparent resitivity calculations. If "no", then only the horizontal separations are used. This "adjustment" for topography gives only a second-order approximation for the "true" apparent resistivity in an area with topography (if you consider that the horizontal distances give you a first-order approximation), but in areas with substantial topography it is certainly better than just using the horizontal distances.

The elevations of the electrodes are calculated during run-time directly from the original topography source file – e.g. CSV or grid.

Script Parameter: IP.TOPOADJUST – (0: No, 1:Yes)