Create Windowed IP Channel

Use the Create Windowed IP Channel menu option (IPWINDOW GX) to create a new channel of IP values using one or more of the time window or frequency values in an array channel.

Create Windowed IP Channel dialog options

Array channel:

The name of the array channel to window.

Script Parameter: IP.VACHAN

New channel name:

If the channel already exists, existing data is overwritten.

Script Parameter: IP.WINCHAN

Windows/ Frequencies to include:

The list of selected channels.

The windows to include are to be listed as in the following examples:


: Channels 0,1,2,3,5,6,8 and 10.


: All windows from 0 to 9


: All windows from 0 to 9


: Windows 3 and up


: Windows up to and including 5

: (Blank) All windows

Ranges are allowed, indicated with a "-" or ":", and items are delimited with commas or spaces. If this field is left blank, all the windows are used. If there are N windows, then the first window is "0" and the last is "N-1".

Script Parameter: IP.IPWINDOWS

Application Notes

Regular channel data is required for a number of IP applications, such as plotting pseudo-sections. The IPWINDOW GX creates a new channel from selected array channel columns.

Multiple Windows/Frequencies

For Time Domain array channels, multiple channels are summed using a weighted average based on the width of each time window. For Frequency domain channels, a simple summation of values is used.