Wireframing Tools

The Wireframing Tools panel will open in the 3D Viewer when you start or continue a wireframing session for a geostring. The Start Wireframing option is found under the Geosurface > Wireframe menu in the 3D Viewer. Another way to start wireframing is to select the geostring feature in the 3D Manager tree, and click Continue Wireframing under the Attributes tab.

Wireframing Tools - Options


Wireframing Mode

The Wireframing Mode will automatically be enabled when starting or continuing wireframing for a feature. Segments that can be added to the wireframe are highlighted in yellow. The first and last segments that were added to the wireframe are highlighted in cyan. Click a yellow segment to add it to the wireframe body.

Add New Wireframe Body

Use this option to begin wireframing a separate body for the active feature. For instance, the same rock type may occur in two separate areas and may or may not be joined. You can use this mode to add multiple isolated, unconnected bodies or to create bifurcating or branching bodies (where one body splits into two).

Tie Line Mode

The Tie Line Mode button is disabled until some portion of the feature has a wireframe. It will automatically be enabled when at least one wireframe segment is present or when the first wireframe is created for the active feature. Press this button to activate the Tie Line mode. Tie lines can be added between vertices on adjacent sections in order to better control the final shape of the wireframe.

Add New Tie Line

Use this option to begin adding a new tie line segment. Select a highlighted vertex, then continue the line by selecting vertices on adjacent sections. The tie lines will automatically snap to the vertices (on the section slices) and can be used to connect two vertices or more sections. Tie lines can be individually selected or multi-selected and deleted just as wireframe bodies. To learn more about creating tie lines see the Adding Tie Lines section under Wireframing Geological Interpretations in 3D.

Select Segment(s) or Tie Line(s)

Use this option to select a wireframe segment or tie line in the 3D model. Ctrl+click to select more than one segment or tie line. Selected segments and tie lines will be highlighted in cyan.

Delete Selected Segment(s) or Tie Line(s)

Use this option to delete selected segments or tie lines.


You can undo several operations in reverse order of their occurrence. Shortcut: Ctrl+Z.


You can redo several operations that were undone in reverse order of their occurrence. Shortcut: Ctrl+Y.

Remove All Wireframes for Active Feature

Wireframing progress, or history, is stored in the geostring file. Use this button to remove all saved wireframe progress for the active feature.

Save Wireframes as Geosurface File

Once you have completed the wireframe for the active feature, use this button to save the results to a geosurface. A geosurface can store many features and a combination of closed and open surfaces. Polygons that have been joined into a wireframe must have closed ends to be saved as a geosurface. The options available for closing the open ends are Rounded and Flat.


This is an informational field that indicates the current geostring file being used in the wireframing session.

Active feature

The active feature you specify determines which interpretations can be wireframed together. The interpretations for an active feature will be bounded in yellow. After selecting a polygon or polyline to add to the wireframe, it will be bounded in cyan.

Wireframe Appearance


Using your cursor, move the slider on the Transparency bar . To increase the transparency, slide the bar to the right and to decrease the transparency slide the bar to the left.

Rendering options

  • Smooth: Click the Smooth radio button to display the wireframe with smooth colour fill.

  • Fill: Click the Fill radio button to display the wireframe with colour fill.

  • Edges: Click the Edges radio button to display the wireframe edges, with no fill.


Click the colour box to change the colour of the wireframe. The Colour tool dialog opens allowing you to select a basic colour or Define Custom Colours.

Application Notes

When you unpin the Wireframing Tools, () they are hidden as soon as the cursor moves into the 3D model. This allows you to use more of the 3D Viewer area to work with and visualize your data. The Wireframe Tools appear again as soon and the cursor moves into the Wireframing Tools tab area.

The wireframing sequence, or history, is stored in the geostring file, and the current state is saved whenever you stop wireframing. To return to a partially completed wireframe for a feature, you can either use the Start Wireframing option in the Geosurface|Wireframe menu at the top of the Geosoft 3D Viewer, or select the feature name (below the geostring name) in the 3D Manager tree and click Continue Wireframing in the Attributes tab.