Summary of Oasis montaj Files

As you work with the system, you will become familiar with a variety of standard files used for specific functions. The following list provides a summary of the more important files.

File Type

Geosoft File Extension

Geosoft Database


Map file, including plots and grids


Geosoft Grid


Colour information for grids/images


Geosoft eXecutable


Geosoft Script


Oasis montaj menu, submenu

*.OMN, *.SMN

Oasis montaj Project


Geosoft projection information


Geosoft Map (used in the MapInfo software to distinguish a Geosoft map file from a MapInfo (*.map) file


The following provides detailed lists of the key files in Oasis montaj. This information can be useful for both project archiving and keeping track of files created in the system during processing and map preparation steps.

Data Files

File Type





Raw text file containing location (random or line) information and data values.

Blocked Binary


Raw binary file containing location information and data values. Format consists of fixed block binary records. For more details see the IMPORTBB GX topic.

Geosoft Database


Object-oriented database that stores Earth Science data in a form that delivers fast access to data and efficient storage required for applications that deal with very large volumes of data.

Geosoft Binary


Geosoft-developed open-format binary file.

Import/Export Files

File Type



Export Template


Default or custom template for transferring data from a Geosoft database to an ASCII file (*.XYZ).

Import Template


Default or custom template for transferring data in external ASCII files (*.XYZ) to a Geosoft database.

Picodas Import Template


Picodas acquisition system import template.

ASCII Import Template


ASCII data import template file (extension .i3)

Grid and Image Files

File Type





Geosoft-developed format for storing and accessing gridded data.

Oasis montaj stores all the projection information for a grid (*.grd) file in an associated GI (*.gi) file. For example, the grid file "mygrid.grd" would have an associated projection file named "".

Oasis montaj also stores all the metadata for a grid (*.grd) file in an associated XML (*.xml) file. For example, the grid file "mygrid.grd" would have an associated XML file named "mygrid.grd.xml".

When copying a grid file to another directory or when sharing a grid file with others, you must include any existing (*.gi and *.xml) files associated with the grid file in order to maintain the projections and metadata information for the grid.

Image Colour


Colour template file containing a default or custom mapping of a colour palette to grid values.

PC Image Format

*.TIF, *.PCX, *.BMP, etc.

Standard PC files created using imaging or electronic photo-editing techniques.



ASCII file containing X and Y location values to which grids are to be masked.

Map Files

File Type





Geosoft-developed file that integrates all graphics elements (lines, polygons and text) and layers (basemaps, data, grids, plots and images) constructed in Oasis montaj.

Map Definition


ASCII file that contains scaling and map extents information required to create Map files (*.MAP).



ASCII file that contains the projection type, datum name or major axis and ellipticity, UTM zone number or desired central meridian; base, southern and northern parallels; central scale factor; false easting and northing to be added; and multipliers (not used in montaj)

Plot Files

File Type





External plot format typically used to depict surficial or buried object extents or surfaces, as well as cultural elements, such as building outlines or roads.



Binary file that integrates basemap and layer information.

Plot Attribute


Binary files containing graphics element attribute information.


Processing Files

File Type





ASCII file containing DOS commands required to execute a sequence of actions.



ASCII file containing default or custom parameters that control a program's operation.



ASCII file containing default or custom parameters that control one or more Geosoft eXecutable operations on a Geosoft database.

System Files

File Type





Binary file that defines a desktop environment. It is essentially an "electronic briefcase" that helps organize data and the activities related to a data processing project.

The project may have a number of databases and/or maps open for you to view and interact with. All processing parameters are stored as part of a project—meaning that you can quickly modify processing parameters and compare the effectiveness of different settings.

Resource Files

File Type



Resource Pack


File created by Geosoft to apply a manual resource update and updates any necessary help files, system library files, and language files.

.Net Help


.NET application help that can be opened by using MadCap Help Viewer.