Title Bar

The Title bar is located along the top of the Oasis montaj interface window. The Title bar displays the name of the current working directory and Project file.

Status Bar

The Status bar displays information about currently selected data (such as the current cursor position), and messages that describe the purpose of the buttons and other elements that make up the Oasis montaj graphical user interface. The Status bar is now found at the bottom of every window (maps, grids, voxels, 3D viewer, etc.).


Scroll Bars

Scroll bars are located on the right and bottom edges of the Main, Spreadsheet and Map windows. The scroll boxes inside the scroll bars indicate your vertical and horizontal position in the window. You can use these bars to move the display up/down or right/left to change the position or display different parts of the window.

Progress Bar

The progress bar appears when certain dialogs are run. The bar indicates how much of the process is complete.