Display Data with Different Projections on a Map

Grids, images, data and maps can have different coordinate systems. The following is a list of data types that you can attach coordinate system information to and place on a map:

  • Grids or Images

  • Geographic data in a database

  • Imported data (Shape files, MapInfo TAB files, etc.)

  • Voxels

Display Different Projections on a Map

  1. Identify the projection for each data type (i.e., grids, images, maps, or located data). Data types with different projections can be placed on the same map. However, make sure the data cover the same geographical area.

  2. Data that is imported into a map is reprojected to the map's specified projection. For example, if you place a grid with a defined latitude/longitude geographic coordinate system on a map defined in UTM coordinates, the system will display the grid on the map while preserving its original projection information. In this example, the lat/long meridians on the grid would appear curved, while the UTM meridians would appear straight.

Display a Grid or Image on a Map with a Different Projection

  1. To display a grid with projection information on the map: on the Grid and Image menu, click Display on Map > Grid.The Display Grid dialog box opens. Select the Current Map option.

  2. The system automatically projects the grid and displays it accurately on the map.

The projection information for the grid is not changed; only the way in which it is displayed on the map changes.