Merge Databases

Use the DBMERGE GX to merge the contents of one or more databases into another. The option is available with the following menus:

  • Database > Import > Geosoft Database Merge

  • Database Tools > Database Utilities > Merge Databases

Merge Databases dialog options

Database to modify

Specify the name of the target database. The current database is selected by default.

Script Parameter: DBMERGE.GDB1

Database(s) to merge

Select one or more databases to merge into the database to modify.

Script Parameter: DBMERGE.GDB2 (separate multiple items with the ‘|’ character.)

Lines/groups to merge

Choose from one of the two available options: 

  • "Selected": only the lines selected in the database(s) to merge will be merged.
  • "All": all lines will be merged.

Missing lines in the database to modify will be created during the merge process.

Script Parameter: DBMERGE.LINES

Channels to merge

Choose from one of the two available options: 

  • "Displayed": only the channels currently displayed in the database(s) to merge will be merged.
  • "All": all channels will be merged.

Missing channels in the database to modify will be created during the merge process.

Script Parameter: DBMERGE.CHANNELS

Replace existing data?

Decide how data is merged into the database to modify

  • Select "Yes" to replace any data that exists in the database.
  • Select "No" to only merge data into the channels that contain no data.
  • Select "Append" to append data to the end of existing data.

Script Parameter: DBMERGE.REPLACE