Collars Tab – Display 3D Drillholes
Use the Collars tab to plot 3D Collar symbols in your 3D View. Collars symbols are fixed in size and plot as spheres by default, but can be either a single colour or variable colours.
Collars Tab options
Display collars
Select this option to plot drillhole collars.
Disabled if the dialog is opened in edit mode.
Select the shape of the drillhole collars (spheres are chosen by default). Use the drop-down list to select a different symbol shape for plotting the collar symbols.
Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_COLLARS.SHAPE="30"
The colour of the drillhole collars can be Fixed or Classified according to the selection here.
Script Parameter: DISPLAYSYMBOLS3D.VAR_COL (0:Fixed Colour, 1:Classified Colour, default "0")
Fixed Colour
The colour of the drillhole collars when Fixed colour is selected.
To select a different colour, click inside the colour box and the Colour selection dialog will open. Select a colour from the Basic colours table or by clicking the Define Custom Colours>> button, you can specify a custom colour.
Collar channel
Available when Classified colour option is selected.
The drop-down list contains all channels from the active collar database. Select a relevant channel to be used to create the colour zones for plotting the collar symbols. Categorical channels (with discrete values) work best, such as Drillhole status, year drilled or project name.
Classification file
The colour classification file for collar symbols.
Click the Browse button to open the Select colour classification file name dialog. Use this dialog to locate and select a previously defined colour file in (*.csv) format.
Click the Edit ( ) button to display the Edit Colour Codes dialog. Use this dialog to create a colour code file from the selected channel, or edit an existing colour classification file,
Size ()
Specify the collars symbol size in View units.
Specify a different size or use the Calculate button to revert to the default estimated value.
Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_COLLARS.SIZE="10"
Label Hole ID
Select this optionto display the Hole ID at the collar location.
Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_COLLARS.HOLE_ID="0"
Use the drop-down list to select the font type to be used for the Hole ID labels.
Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_COLLARS.FONT="Arial(TT)"
Size ()
Specify the font size for the Hole ID labels in View units.
Specify a different size or use the Calculate button to revert to the default estimated value.
the colour of the Hole ID labels.
To select a different colour, click inside the colour box and the Colour selection dialog will open. Select a colour from the Basic colours table or by clicking the Define Custom Colours>> button, you can specify a custom colour.
Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_COLLARS.FONT_COLOUR="R105G105B105"
Application Notes
A 3D Collars group will take the name of the Drillhole Project with the suffix _Collars appended; the group name can be modified afterward.
3D Drillholes groups with the exception of collars will be re-scaled if Axes Scaling is modified (3D View Settings dialog).
Plotting 3D Collar symbols into an empty 3D view will assign the coordinate system and units from the current drillhole project to the 3D View. Adding Collars to a 3D View that has a different defined coordinate system (or units) from the current drillhole project will first reproject the locations of the collars into the coordinate system (or units) of the 3D view.