Import Geosoft Binary

A Geosoft Binary (GBN) data file contains survey data in a binary format that can be imported directly into an Oasis montaj database. The binary file format is designed as an exchange format for large volume multi-channel airborne datasets.The GBN format allows for an ASCII file header that can be used to describe the file to a user at the operating system level.

Use the Database > Import > Geosoft Binary menu option (GBN GX) to import GBN data into an Oasis database for further processing.

Import Geosoft Binary dialog options

Import file (GBN)

Input the Geosoft binary data file name.

Script Parameter: GBN.DATA

Load channels after import?

If "Yes" is selected, all the channels in the database are loaded after importing the data. For large databases, it may be prudent to select "No".

Script Parameter: GBN.LOADCHANNELS (1: Yes (default) 0: No)

Application Notes

By default, data is imported into the currently selected database. If no database is "current" (e.g. if none exists) then the user is prompted to create one.

If the Specify coordinate system on import setting is set to "Yes" in the General Settings, and no coordinate system is defined for the current X and Y channels, Set Coordinate System will be called to set the projection on the X and Y.

Geosoft Binary File Structure

Oasis montaj is designed to support the Geosoft Binary (GBN) file format— an ASCII file header that describes the file to a user at the operating system level. The ASCII file header is terminated by an end-of-file character (ASCII 26), so the file can be copied to a printer or simply displayed as a text file.

The format is intended for programmers who wish to design output data files that can be easily imported into a Geosoft database. It is fully described by a C language header that is included in the GBN help listing. To make a listing file GBN.H, at the DOS prompt run VIEWGX as follows:

    VIEWGX GBN -h > gbn.h

Then, remove the non-C text lines.